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    SPS prohibition on using experts in BLPs


    I saw this part of SPS cited in a deletion discussion recently: "Never use self-published sources as third-party sources about living people, even if the author is an expert, well-known professional researcher, or writer." I can't come up with a good rationale for this rule. If someone is a professional researcher, writer, or expert who is presumably relied upon by non-SPS reliable sources, why shouldn't we be allowed to use that author's writings in BLPs? voorts (talk/contributions) 06:29, 28 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Hm, not immediately obvious why WP:BLPSPS has that restriction given that it is permitted (expert opinion) for ordinary articles, overabundance of caution for blps? Perhaps it's more difficult to assess "expert" in such cases. Selfstudier (talk) 09:07, 28 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I suggest that this should be only for "contentious material", which is a phrase that is poorly defined but present in the policy already. Zerotalk 11:43, 28 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Experts are as prone to petty human emotions as anyone else. Opening the door to permit anything one person posts on social media about another person to be allowed in BLPs is a recipe for disaster. Just because a person is an expert (in something) or a professional writer doesn't mean that what they self-publish about another person is significant or even accurate. Self-publishing means there are no other gatekeepers. Schazjmd (talk) 13:59, 28 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I agree. I can see that the phrase "even if the author is an expert" has been around since 2010 but I can't see what trouble it's caused. Peter Gulutzan (talk) 14:18, 28 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    At minimum, SPS must be presented with in text attribution, as opinion and not as fact presented in wikivoice. Blueboar (talk) 14:19, 28 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    That's really the short of it here, which is why the third-party bit is included. An SPS even from an expert shouldn't be used in Wikipedia's voice for BLP content as an independent secondary source, etc. If it's going to be included, it would need attribution, which isn't very different than if SPS sources are used in cases of WP:PARITY either in science subjects. Functionally, such a source would be treated as part of a dispute or close to the subject as a non-independent source, so it would have to be used much more carefully (even moreso in BLPs).
    In practice, if a world renowned cod expert called BLP X a confirmed cod-licker on their blog, it could be included (assuming editors found it WP:DUE) with attribution. If it was more widely reported in non-SPS sources, there's at least the option for not needing in-text for attribution (and more likely DUE for inclusion anyways). It's really just a general caution about using Wikipedia's voice related to BLPs and setting a higher bar for when it is used in part due to legal considerations. KoA (talk) 19:18, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Are the legal considerations defamation? If so, in many jurisdictions, there's no added protection from relying on a newspaper vs. a SPS expert. voorts (talk/contributions) 20:43, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I can't really speak to specifics on the legal side, but there's probably a weighting that occurs when it comes to lawsuits of repeating what's in newspapers vs. a personal website when it comes to determining defamation. The key thing is that the degree of care in using Wikipedia's voice increases substantially across the source types. KoA (talk) 21:11, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    To clarify, I'm not discussing social media posts. The source I'm imagining is an independent website by an expert, who perhaps hires a freelance editor/copy-editor to review their work, where said website is cited by mainstream publications for factual information. For example, say a journalist leaves traditional media and starts a website in a niche industry, interviewing people in that industry and conducting independent, unbiased research and writing. voorts (talk/contributions) 20:41, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    For example, if a journalist leaves traditional media and starts an online trade magazine? When the trade rag has developed enough that there's a formal editing/review process, then it'll no longer be "self-published" in our model, and it will become acceptable. While it's still just one guy, who is operating without the safety net of a mandatory second pair of eyes between him and the next round of "Newspaper Typos You Won’t Believe Were Printed", it's not okay. WhatamIdoing (talk) 01:58, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Just an FYI: my understanding has always been that the expert SPS exclusion applies to BLP material, not to BLP articles. Most BLP articles contain information that is not BLP material. (I haven't read the whole discussion, so this might already have been expressed above.)
    Also, in the context of a deletion discussion, my understanding has been that SPS material never contributes to article notability, even if the source is independent of the article's subject. That is a separate question from whether the source can be cited in an article. Newimpartial (talk) 21:19, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    "about living people" implies that we are talking about material about living people. The only "expert" about a living person is themselves. We should continue to not accept self-published biographical information from third-parties. (talk) 16:18, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I think you'll find it's more complicated than that. Is the living person, or the university, more expert about whether the person actually graduated? Is the living person, or the person's mother, more expert on the question of what color their first birthday cake was? We accept the living person as an expert on their current lived experience (e.g., "I am gay") but not on other questions (e.g., "I am not a crook"). WhatamIdoing (talk) 18:28, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    None of the bad scenarios mentioned so far would occur if expert SPS were only excluded for "contentious material". Also, I see here one of the most persistent wikimyths in action: the belief that publishers fact-check the things that they publish. This is only true to a very limited extent, even for academic publishers. Zerotalk 03:34, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    I didn't notice anyone mentioning fact checking. I, at least, am only interested whether the author is the only person who gets a say in whether the document gets shared with the public. WhatamIdoing (talk) 04:34, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Reliability is all that has been discussed in this section so far. If another eye doesn't improve reliability, it is irrelevant to reliability. Zerotalk 07:41, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    We believe that "another eye" does improve reliability. That's why the criteria for identifying reliable sources include things such as:
    • a reputation for fact-checking – fact checking is "another eye".
    • published by a reputable publisher instead of self-published by the author – the publisher is "another eye".
    • uses editorial oversight or peer review processes – the editor is "another eye".
    The idea of preferring sources with "another eye" is fundamental to our concept of a reliable source. WhatamIdoing (talk) 15:17, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Of course, the more eyes the better but still, an SPS written by a subject matter expert is ordinarily considered as RS (subject to the usual, extraordinary claims, due weight, etc). But if we want to make that more difficult for blps, I wouldn't object to that, per se. Selfstudier (talk) 15:25, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    My interptetation of this situation has been that our P&Gs specifically make the principle, "don't include self-published material one person says about another person" to override the principle, "recognized experts can be used as reliable sources even when self-published".
    Though, as I say, I believe this applies to BLP material wherever it is found, and also that biographical articles contain non-BLP (mostly factual) material. Newimpartial (talk) 17:46, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    In actual use isn't "contentious material" a meaningless platitude because its only knowable after the fact? Its only contentious if someone contests it... And if someone in the future is going to contest it then it was contentious all along even if it was impossible to know that. I can say right now that I challege all BLP material added to the site from this moment onwards, now all BLP material is contentious and we're back to square one. Horse Eye's Back (talk) 17:07, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I think it's more usual to say that it's not actually contentious until someone contests it, or until you have a reasonable belief that it will be (or should be) contested. Consider what happens if we write "Alice Expert is an independent scholar of expertise", and then she gets hired by Big University. Someone might (should!) contest the material, regardless of whether it's already cited, because it's now out of date. That doesn't mean that it was contentious in the past. It only became contentious when someone contested it. WhatamIdoing (talk) 18:03, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Then what is the difference in meaning you get by adding "contentious material"? Horse Eye's Back (talk) 18:08, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Is this a question for @Zero0000, who suggested adding those words to WP:SPS or WP:BLPSPS? WhatamIdoing (talk) 18:17, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    You replied to a response to Zero0000. Horse Eye's Back (talk) 18:40, 30 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I wouldn't have suggested "contentious" if this wasn't a concept already in the policy (7 times, in fact). I don't agree that something is only contentious if someone contests it, though that is an important case. In the case of information about a person, I would consider anything negative to be contentious. If an expert SPS says "X faked their qualifications", I would disallow it and require a published source. My position is that only innocuous material self-published by an expert on the subject should be allowed. If there is a better way to do that than adding "contentious", I'd probably agree to it. Zerotalk 02:58, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    In a world in which innocent comments like "I ran into your spouse at the restaurant last night" precipitates divorces, it's hard to know what's truly innocuous. WhatamIdoing (talk) 04:37, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    There are a hundred places in policy where editorial judgement is required, and plenty of opportunities for boundary cases that need discussion. This example is no different. If we forbad everything that might possibly go awry, there would be precious few things still permitted. Zerotalk 08:15, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    The concept in policy when it comes to BLP is agnositic about the character of the information itself... "X faked their qualifications" and "X did not fake their qualifications" are equally contentious as the concept stands in policy. But that is clearly not what you are suggesting... You are suggesting a defintion of contentious in which negative information is given more scrutiny than positive information which would run afoul of WP:NPOV and much of the rest of the alphabet soup... Horse Eye's Back (talk) 00:36, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    NOTE: I have placed a brief notification of this discussion at WT:BLP. Rotary Engine talk 08:53, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    "Contentious" material on BLP's usually doesn't involve contention about the veracity of the material, it's usually about one of these:

    1. Applying a value laden term or adjective to the subject of the BLP
    2. Including or excluding positive-impression or negative-impression material about the subject where the veracity of the material is not disputed by anybody

    IMO the discussed standard should be (and usually is) strictly applied for #1 and for negative-impression material under #2 North8000 (talk) 18:57, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    In my experience, the inclusion of positive-impression material to which 2. should be applied is one of the largest contributors to NPOV violations in BLPs. I'd like to see *that* applied more strictly. Newimpartial (talk) 21:57, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Well my #2 is for material "where the veracity of the material is not disputed by anybody" Were you referring to that type of material? North8000 (talk) 23:38, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I suppose that 'factual puffery' would fall into that category (e.g., calling someone a philanthropist instead of calling them a donor or supporter). WhatamIdoing (talk) 00:06, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I have seen in editors (including, lamentably, sometimes myself) a tendency to interpret "disputed by anybody" as meaning different things depending on our synpathy with the material. If we like the material, we interpet "dispute" as, "does any RS assert the contrary?" and of we don't like the material, we interpret "dispute" as, "does any RS downplay or imply the irrelevance of this material?"
    Going forward, it might be more helpful to develop a scale or framing for these disputes, since the current practice of "only partisan sources mention this!" versus "nobody disputes its factual accuracy!" seem fairly sterile. (And the formal elaborarion of "is it positive/puffery, neutral or negative?" to help these decisions doesn't seem promising as a framing, since editors are notoriously bad at recognizing the neutrality of statements with which they disagree - examples available on request. We need something else, preferably something less binary.) Newimpartial (talk) 09:32, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I tend to agree that less scrutiny is needed when the material doesn't imply/state something negative. Yes, that risks making something to puffy but consider that one of the tenets of BLP is do no harm [1]. Springee (talk) 15:01, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I expect we can all agree about the "do no harm" principle. I think the more relevant question is whether NPOV can be maintained in BLPs where editors consistently drive to include self-serving, poorly sourced (non-WP:IND), "positive" material. I'd like to see policy provide a handbrake on that, myself. Newimpartial (talk) 16:34, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    First, don’t we need to establish that the “expert exemption” of SPS actually applies? The policy says that for it to apply the source must be: “… produced by an established subject-matter expert, whose work in the relevant field has previously been published by reliable, independent publications.” OK… let’s apply this to a BLP… say the subject is Ima Blowhard, a Congressman from Iowa who is notable for his controversial stance on agricultural subsidies. What exactly is the subject-matter and relevant field in this context? To be an “expert”, does the SPS author need to be a previously published biographer? Does he need to be published in the field of political science? The history of Iowa? The economics of agricultural subsidies? Does he need to have published material about Congressman Blowhard himself? Blueboar (talk) 00:54, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    It depends on what aspect of the congressman that the SME is writing about. If the SME is writing about the congressman's agricultural policy, an agriculturalist. If the SME is writing about the congressman's campaign, an expert in political science or a journalist on the campaign beat. voorts (talk/contributions) 00:57, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I would seriously question whether most journalists qualify as “subject-matter experts”. Blueboar (talk) 13:32, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Even if its an RS, I would take a journalist sounding off about a lp as opinion (even if it was called "news"). Selfstudier (talk) 16:39, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    The subject is Ima Blowhard, you said so when framing the question. Peter Gulutzan (talk) 14:13, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Which appears to mean: If something written by one of Ima's kids "has previously been published by reliable, independent publications" about Ima (e.g., "Why My Family is So Screwed Up" or "Joy and Privilege of Being a Politician's Kid"), then that published author might be considered "an established subject-matter expert" in "the relevant field" of what Ima's family life is like.
    Our standard for what constitutes "an established subject-matter expert" has gone up over time, but it's possible that it would be accepted. WhatamIdoing (talk) 17:58, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    On the contrary… I think our standards have fallen over the years. We used to be FAR pickier about what constituted an “expert”. And when I first started editing, we didn’t allow any SPS - even from experts. Blueboar (talk) 19:57, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    In a related question what if the field is one where we typically don't find scholarly works? For example, Ron Dennis is certainly an expert in the design of racing cars even if he has no publications in the field (for argument sake I'm assuming he doesn't). His opinion​ of the cars designed by Adrian Reynard would be very relevant in context of Reynard's work as he might be one of the few people with sufficient expertise to be an expert in that field. I think the status as an "expert" shouldn't be handed out lightly but also shouldn't be restricted to typical academic measures in fields where such measures are very relevant. Springee (talk) 14:59, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    An example of the "not factually disputed" under my #2 above: John Smith is a political writer and also president of the XYZ garden club. "President of the XYZ garden club" is put in the article, sourced to the XYZ garden club web site. POV warrior editor Larry has politics opposite John Smith's and so wants to minimize any positive material on John Smith in the article and knocks the material out citing the nature of the source. Nobody (including Larry) disputes the veracity of the material, including it's wording. North8000 (talk) 18:47, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    We usually categorize that as an WP:ABOUTSELF situation, similar to a corporate press release about the newly hired CEO. It might be appropriate to make that a little clearer in policy, though. WhatamIdoing (talk) 02:06, 8 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Reddit as source


    Section "Self-published or questionable sources as sources on themselves" has reddit as an acceptable source for subjects providing information about themselves. Unlike Facebook or Instagram, Reddit user accounts are unverified, so how do we know who a reddit user is claiming to be? Jay 💬 06:09, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Well, I imagine one has to be a bit more careful. It seems unproblematic to me that an individual could state what their username is elsewhere, where they are otherwise verified. Remsense 06:20, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I don't think that facebook accounts are always verified. Alaexis¿question? 06:34, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Facebook has verified badges for celebs and notable people, and from 2023 anyone can purchase them (similar to Twitter). The verification/documentation process would still be the same. Jay 💬 08:50, 21 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    If the subject linked to their Reddit account from a verified account on another platform, then it should be ok. It's an extra step, but uses of such sources should be double checked for authenticity. -- LCU ActivelyDisinterested «@» °∆t° 13:33, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I assume this is referring to verified AMAs or something similar. voorts (talk/contributions) 20:44, 29 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Reddit was added without discussion I can find in January 2016. Special:Diff/699080407 .I did find an archive where User:Masem seems tohave thought it shouldn't be used.[2] but no real discussion. Doug Weller talk 10:12, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    It's only a list of examples (such as), social sites that don't appear in the list are still acceptable. -- LCU ActivelyDisinterested «@» °∆t° 11:55, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    What makes Reddit acceptable? Doug Weller talk 14:27, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    If it's used for an ABOUTSELF statement or from a subject matter expert who has previously been published in other reliables sources (SPS), and only if the poster can be reliably verified. The point is not whether Reddit is acceptable, but that it is no different from any other self published source. There would be limits, BLPSPS obviously, statements may need to be attributed, and DUE/BALASP also apply (but that last one is not a verification issues). -- LCU ActivelyDisinterested «@» °∆t° 16:19, 31 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I'm with Voorts above. This line feels an awful lot like it was added in reaction to the increasing popularity of Reddit AmAs at r/IAmA, which have attracted media attention in their own right. Those do have (effectively) verified accounts participating, as the subreddit's moderators verify things behind the scenes and participants have to publicly post photographic proof. (Also, just imagine the verifiable media and legal firestorm if they got it wrong. I'm not aware of a single such case.) All that said, with some work editors could probably find confirmation on other verified social media accounts, e.g. Bill Gates. Ed [talk] [OMT] 17:28, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Thanks, the AMAs make sense. Jay 💬 08:54, 21 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    I can understand allowing paywalled sources, since it's possible for others to check and verify that information. Same thing with offline books. While I don't go into libraries, others do and often check these books, and that's enough for me. Also somewhat applies to the "rare museum sources" that the page mentions.

    But isn't the whole point of print-only news stories that they're only published once and never again? How can that be verifiable? I know many people have copies of these, but these people will at some point quit Wikipedia, and when that happens, the source will essentially become Lost media. And it becomes even more complicated if the source was carried over from a page translation.

    I don't want them to be banned or anything like that, but I'm curious on why there aren't any restrictions or guidelines on using them.

    Needless to say, my comment does not apply to archived newspapers such as the ones on Newspapers.com. I'm talking about ones like this [1][2] Bonus Person (talk) 01:53, 14 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]


    1. ^ Fictional News Place "Person accidentally buys yacht" 7 November 1987
    2. ^ The Gallifreyan Post "Tardis stolen at 4 AM" 5 August 1980
    Newspapers.com and other sources like that exist because copies persisted for decades, long enough to be digitized. Some GLAMs collect newspapers in some non-web format, such as microform or microfiche (or the print itself); for that matter, so do some news publishers. Nikkimaria (talk) 01:59, 14 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Yup, the New York Public Library (for example) has an entire section devoted to periodicals and newspapers. Blueboar (talk) 21:58, 14 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    The entire run of my hometown's defunct paper is sitting on microfilm in our town's historical society, and the main newspaper for the county is sitting on microfilm in several libraries here in the county. The local university is digitizing those microfilms, but even if they weren't, the paper is still verifiable by visiting a library with the microfilms. I believe the Library of Michigan also contains microfilms for all of the major papers in the state, so someone wouldn't even have to travel to my remote corner of the country to access the issues not yet digitized.
    In sum, I don't see a problem with citing archived newspapers, since they're just that, archived. They may be even be more available than the rare sources we also allow because they're archived in multiple locations, as per my anecdote above. Imzadi 1979  23:47, 14 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Libraries hold newspapers too. The British Library has every issue of every newspaper printed in the British Isles since 1840, for example, and provides digital copies online. Support your local library, Wikipedia couldn't exist without it! – Joe (talk) 10:58, 16 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    If the newspaper isn't defunct, then you can usually go to the building and ask to see the old newspapers. A copy of every single newspaper usually ends up bound into a large book and stored in the "morgue", for the newspaper's own reference purposes. In pre-digital days, these were traditionally used by the staff (e.g., to remind themselves which restaurants ran ads for this holiday last year, or what the editorial said about the mayor during the previous election), but they are generally open to the public. In the US, the morgue for a defunct newspaper tends to end up either at the local library or sometimes the local historical society. WhatamIdoing (talk) 19:42, 18 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    That may no longer be true everywhere. A few years ago when I checked with the local daily, I was told they no longer kept old issues for more than a year. Previous copies had been microfilmed and sent to the library district. The district in turn sends microfilm rolls that are more than a few years old to the local historical museum, which keeps them in an unstaffed archives/library building. Access requires staff being available to go over to the unstaffed building to let you in and sit there while you search the microfilm (Disclaimer: I used to work at the library and volunteer at the museum, but do neither now). I did find old issues (1970s) of the paper online, but I don't remember where. Donald Albury 20:01, 18 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Our policies presume a dichotomy/ binary flow chart.....if it's accessible with great effort, hours, $$ and difficulty it counts (in this respect) the same as something that anybody can verify on line in seconds. The reality is is that there are degrees of verifiability. I'm not advocating for any structural changes for that except to acknowledge that in discussions that this be recognized. Verifiability which requires great effort and investment to verify is weaker than something that can be easily verified. North8000 (talk) 20:33, 18 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    They also assume that someone falsifying verifications will eventually be caught, that if one was able to access it another will be able to check it and that editors who repeatedly falsify verifications will be permanently banned. Yes arguably its an easy system to abuse once or twice, but the more times someone falsified obscure verifications the greater the chance their whole house of cards would come down. Horse Eye's Back (talk) 20:44, 18 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    There's a time element to consider there too. We use a lot of ephemeral internet sources that are highly available now but frequently disappear. This means that in practice we are dangerously reliant on a single archive for the verifiability of huge swathes of coverage. A traditional, physical archive is less easy to access now but far less likely to simply disappear overnight, and if anything liable to become more accessible over time (as librarians and archivists continue to work on indexing and digitisation projects etc.) – Joe (talk) 04:07, 19 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I'll also note that the importance of a newspaper citation tends to vary with its accessibility. Some podunk place has an article on a now-celebrity's performance in Academic decathlon or their high school musical from 20+ years ago? Not the most earth shattering bit of trivia to be sourced, nor generally the most controversial or damaging if falsified. Jclemens (talk) 04:47, 19 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Image captions?


    I'm seeking enlightenment about how WP:V applies to image captions. WP:V says (first sentence of the second paragraph) All material in Wikipedia mainspace, including everything in articles, lists, and captions, must be verifiable. That seems straight-forward, but I often get pushback when I complain about image captions which don't cite their sources. This came up recently during a DYK discussion of Perugia's limia, where I questioned how we knew one fish was male and the other female, as stated in the caption. But to try and make this discussion a bit more neutral, let's use an example from my own work, File:White-tailed Deer, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York 01.jpg

    Imagine I had called the image ":File:An animal I saw in Pelham Bay Park. And then somebody used it in an article saying, "White-tailed deer have been photographed in Pelham Bay Park; the example in the photo can be identified by the reddish-brown coat and the characteristic white underside of its tail", they would rightly be told this was WP:OR and asked to supply a WP:RS. Yet if I just put in the image caption "White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)" with no source, nobody would question it.

    The "can be identified ..." text I used above is from White-tailed deer# Description, where it is indeed cited to a RS. In my case, I had uploaded the photo to iNaturalist, where two other users agreed on the identification, but is that really a WP:RS? I don't know who those people are; they could be legitimate experts, or they could just be two randos who wandered by iNaturalist and made themselves accounts.

    So where does this leave us as far as requiring RS for image captions? RoySmith (talk) 14:34, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    The way I've best been able to grapple with this is by diagramming the claims made by an image in context (i.e. in tandem with the caption) with the intent of fully covering all claims made, if not listing each claim individually.
    For your first example, depending rather crucially on the image quality and other particulars, I might be able to derive a list of "claims", each of the form the animal photographed is Odocoileus virginianus, as demonstrated by [X] visual characteristic that can each theoretically be verified in some zoologists' journal.
    I've no idea whether that's incredibly obvious, incredibly useless, or incredibly unsound, but it's the best way I've arrived at so far to think about verifying images. Remsense ‥  14:55, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    IMO they sort of fall "in between" regarding wp:ver. If something looks really wrong with it and challenged with that basis given, it will need to be sourced, removed or modified. If not, not. North8000 (talk) 15:02, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    I am the one who argued that we do not need RS to verify the sex of the fish when they present obvious sexual characteristics; and indeed we cannot possibly have such sources for most of our photographs because they come from volunteers rather than peer-reviewed publications. Take for example the captions of the lead photos at the article Lion: we have no RS confirming their sexes. We do not even have reliable sources confirming that they are lions. Does WP:IMAGEOR cover this? It gets worse with people. Do we need a reliable source verifying that it is indeed Meghan Markle in the Meghan Markle lead photo? Or Cristina Saralegui's photo? I do not see how insisting on this could help Wikipedia; on the contrary, it would be a major shot in the foot. Surtsicna (talk) 15:23, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    I think this is the pretty much the platonic ideal of where to leverage that verifiable is not always (and cannot always be) verified. Remsense ‥  15:31, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I just saw an example the other day. Someone 'corrected' the caption on an image from "water moccasin" to "brown water snake". I tried looking at other images of the two snakes, and, especially because of the less than ideal quality of various images, I couldn't see the difference. In many cases we are dependent on the good faith of the uploaders as to what images actually represent. Other than readers calling out errors, I'm not sure what we can do about 'wrong' captions. Donald Albury 17:50, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Images cannot be held to the same sourcing bar as article text. While we can adapt information from a reliable source to provide article text, we often cannot take an image and caption from those sources in the same way. CMD (talk) 06:23, 28 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I think the key point is that images need to look like the thing, but they don't actually have to be the thing. Images are illustrations. They are not evidence that the thing exists. WhatamIdoing (talk) 15:59, 30 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]


    The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section. A summary of the conclusions reached follows.
    Please discuss at Wikipedia:Village pump (miscellaneous) WhatamIdoing (talk) 15:59, 30 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    What should be done to overhaul the {{dubious}} template? Literally every time I've seen it on an article, there is zero discussion on the talk page about what may be dubious in the article. I discussed this on the talk page a while back, but the discussion just went around in circles and fizzled out. Should a drive be done to remove drive-by instances of this tag where no discernible discussion exists? Ten Pound Hammer(What did I screw up now?) 19:40, 28 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Also asked at WP:VPM and at WT:RS… please don’t ask the same question at three venues. Consolidate the discussions. Blueboar (talk) 20:38, 28 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

    Can someone tell me what sould be fixed?


    I wrote Australia section in ZEB with government site as citation. MrOllie's answer was to check WP:V. I'm not sure which part should be fixed.

    National trajectory
    In Australia, the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings and its Addendum were agreed by all Commonwealth, state and territory energy ministers in 2019.
    The Trajectory is a national plan that aims to achieve zero energy and carbon-ready commercial and residential buildings in Australia. It is a key initiative to address Australia’s 40% energy productivity improvement target by 2030 under the National Energy Productivity Plan. On 7 July 2023, the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council agreed to update the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings by the end of 2024.
    The updates to the Trajectory will:
    • support the delivery of a low energy, net zero emissions residential and commercial building sector by 2050
    • consider the success of the existing program
    • help develop the policy pathway for the building sector to achieve net zero by 2050.

    Purplewhalethunder (talk) 07:12, 29 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    You may find reading WP:Referencing for beginners helpful, it helped me when I started editing.
    Also embedded links are generally discouraged, see WP:CS:EMBED. So instead of something like:
    On 7 July 2023, the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council agreed to update the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings by the end of 2024.
    Instead use:
    On 7 July 2023, the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council agreed to update the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings by the end of 2024.[1]
    References should be as specific as possible, so other editors can easily verify that the information is correct. So the reference is for the 7 June update, rather than the general page for the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council. -- LCU ActivelyDisinterested «@» °∆t° 11:32, 29 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Thank you! You are so kind. Purplewhalethunder (talk) 06:22, 2 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]


    1. ^ "Amending the Australian Energy Regulator Wholesale Market Monitoring and Reporting Framework – draft legislation and consultation paper". Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council. 7 June 2023.

    Purplewhalethunder's most recent attempt didn't include external links and did include citations. There is no verifiability issue here. While there were problems with the previous edits, this one looks like an improvement to me. Yes, it relies on primary sources, but the old version is the one that included commercial sites as sources. @Purplewhalethunder: Wikipedia has a preference for the high quality independent sourcing. So, for example, a newspaper, magazine, journal, or book which talks about those certifications rather than the website of the certification itself. IMO MrOllie should self-rv the most recent edit, as it's overall an improvement that could be fixed up from there (the section heading, for example, which shouldn't include the title of the article). Finally, this isn't a good page to ask for help with content. I'd recommend visiting the WP:TEAHOUSE for that. — Rhododendrites talk \\ 12:02, 29 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Thank you. I will keep this in mind. Purplewhalethunder (talk) 06:51, 2 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    FAQ item


    I have added this information to the FAQ:

    Are sources required in all articles?
    Adding sources is the best practice, but prior efforts to officially require at least one source have been rejected by the community. See, e.g., discussions in January 2024 and March 2024.

    My main goal is to have a place to store links to these discussions. I don't really want to put it in Wikipedia:Perennial proposals, because I hope that the answer will someday change (i.e., officially. It's already the actual practice by NPP and AFC). I have accordingly tried to write this so that it encourages the addition of sources but also admits that we have so far been unable to get this adopted as an official requirement. WhatamIdoing (talk) 02:01, 7 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    We describe the use of {{cn}} but not {{Image reference needed}}. Should we include that? We do have quite a variety of maps and infographics. NebY (talk) 20:25, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    I hope the community will recognize the enormous problem on WP (and on publications sourcing from Commons) of unsourced charts, maps, and diagrams, (as well as inadequately sourced photos), and that taking the first step of simply asking for sources will not break WP as we know it. In my last attempts at raising the issue I was quickly shouted down.
    Making a recommendation here might help. I would support adding {{image reference needed}} and variants as a recommended tag on V (along with contacting the image author directly). SamuelRiv (talk) 20:44, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I didn't know this existed. I can see the need for tightening up sourcing for images. If an image is consistent with cited content in the article, how much documentation should we require for the image? If an image is described as an "artist's concept", what would we want supporting the accuracy of the depiction? I am sure there are other questions we can ask. Donald Albury 21:37, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Two examples of how much a creator can put in an image (and in these cases, maybe quite rightly - I'm not suggesting they include falsehoods):
    File:Europe 180ad roman trade map.png maps which commodities were carried from where to where in the Roman Empire c. 180 AD. It also has a table of the Roman Empire's annual costs. It doesn't matter much whether the bends in the routes are correctly placed, but how is it verifiable that those are the main commodities; that they were moved from X to Y; and that those were the annual costs? It's used at Roman commerce but not supported by it.
    File:Constitution of Rome.jpg has capsule descriptions of Roman institutions and elected officials, and diagrams some interrelationships. The illustrations are decorative; it's the text that matters and that would be subject to normal editing and refinement, in accord with WP:V, except that it's been turned into a jpg. NebY (talk) 22:49, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    If those two images are doing their job of illustrating the article, then their contents ought to already be in the text of the article (in some form, not word for word). WhatamIdoing (talk) 00:23, 10 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    So... I'm a bit nervous about this. There are times when this is warranted (though an ordinary fact-tag on the caption should frequently have the same effect, so this isn't always necessary). Here are three stories:
    • Once upon a time, I ran across a POV pusher of the virus-denialist type on wiki. It seems that it's a bit more challenging to convince people of your belief that the virus doesn't exist, when there's an actual photo of the virus right there in the Wikipedia article. So he tried to get the photo removed. One of his ideas was to say that the photo wasn't a reliable source. The thing is, one enveloped virus looks much like another. They all basically look like blobs, and while it's a technical triumph to get the photo, if you made a blurry, low-resolution, black-and-white photo of a little blob of used chewing gum, it'd look about the same. But: the purpose of an image is to "illustrate", not to "prove", and that micrograph does a fine job of illustrating that it's a boring enveloped virus instead of a glorious structure like a bacteriophage. In that sense, it doesn't actually matter whether it's the purported virus. What actually matters is that it looks like the purported virus. This dispute is the basis for one of the examples in Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Images#Pertinence and encyclopedic nature.
    • Another day, there was a real-world dispute about whether a politically disfavored person's African farm was actually in use, or if the ruling party could declare it abandoned, legally seize it, and give it to one of their cronies. Someone (presumably connected somehow to the event) uploaded an image to Commons, showing a very large cow, with a building in the background (the farm house?). Editors decided to omit the image, because they thought that even if it was "true" (i.e., someone really did take a photo of a cow at that farm) it might be "false" in another way (e.g., maybe that cow was trucked over there for the purpose of taking the photo, and then trucked right back home again). If there hadn't been a dispute over the farm, they probably would have accepted it, and if memory serves, they did believe that the photo was taken of a live cow, actually standing in the purported location. (In this part of Africa, "there's a cow there, so it's a working farm" is culturally reasonable. In other places, they'd have shown some sheep, or someone driving a tractor.)
    • More recently, I sent a batch of images for deletion at Commons. We determined that they were unmarked AI-generated "portraits" of 19th-century politicians. (Commons might accept some AI-generated images, because supporting images for articles such as Artificial intelligence art is within their scope, but having them unmarked means they're potential hoaxes.) We deleted them.
    The first story shows the danger of rejecting images just because someone wants citations, especially for low-risk things. We actually don't want people to demand that a photo allegedly of a cupcake, that looks like a cupcake, get certified as being a cupcake before we can put it in Cupcake. The second shows that even if you have citations, you may not want the photo, because it might imply things that aren't appropriate for the article to be implying. The third shows the problem of not having reliable sources.
    I don't think there is a single answer that works in all cases. WhatamIdoing (talk) 23:00, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • If it's not the virus, but it looks like the virus (because it has the same type of capsid, say), then that is a fine kind of photograph to put in an article that has no other photos (because capsids are very relevant to a virus). But what kind of virus is it? Where does the photo come from? (And e.g. if there's no provenance and if we can't ask the uploader, how do we verify copyright?) If the virus is a different virus, the caption and photo description should say what virus it is! This is not a question of what content is or is not appopriate for an article, but a question of WP:V!
    • A Wikipedian's uploaded photo of a cow on a farm is supposed to be used to lend support to a political claim one way or another in an article? That's blatant WP:OR, regards the content of the article, and is not necessarily a question about the verifiability of the image.
    Nobody said anything there being about a single answer (nobody anywhere ever honestly suggests there being a single answer, outside religion -- that statement felt anticonstructive). We just want people to apply WP:V to images. SamuelRiv (talk) 02:35, 10 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    What exactly does it mean "to apply WP:V to images"? Some POV pushers will interpret that in the most maximalist way possible. Other editors will call you tendentious if you insist that a proper reliable source be produced for simple, obvious illustrations, like "This is a cupcake", even if they're familiar with things like Is It Cake?
    Wikipedia talk:Verifiability/Archive 40#RfC: Do images need to be verifiable? may be interesting if you don't remember it from back in the day. WhatamIdoing (talk) 06:53, 10 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    From what I remember of journalism class, a photograph for which you cannot assert the veracity -- that is, that what is inside it is what it is, in a genuine portrayal of the subject of the article -- becomes an "illustration". (That is, you can use it, but you call it an 'photoillustration' instead of a 'photograph' in your caption.) Typical classroom examples would be moving objects in a news scene foreground to better frame a shot, or in your example linked, a syringe of one thing in one place that's instead implied or claimed to represent another. SamuelRiv (talk) 20:16, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    That is reasonable, and on wiki, it's the standard practice for drawings of dinosaurs.
    But sometimes you need a caption that says, e.g., "Intramuscular injections are injected at a 90° angle", in which case what matters is that it looks like it's approximately 90°, and not whether it's "real".
    You don't want an outright dishonest caption ("This dinosaur was definitely this exact shade of green"), but you also don't want to add a bunch of irrelevant disclaimers ("The point is to illustrate the concept of a 90° angle, for people who don't remember much about geometry. We do not guarantee that this image is real, or that the person whose skin is shown is actually receiving an injection at the time, or that there's a needle on the hidden end, or that the liquid in the syringe is a medication instead of water, or that any of the clear liquid is being injected. No cute animals were harmed in the making of this illustration, unless it turns out to be AI-generated, in which case there's a possibility that the computing power contributed planet-warming emissions equivalent, possibly causing a tiny increase in heat-related stress for all living beings"). WhatamIdoing (talk) 20:53, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    ("The point is to illustrate the concept of a 90° angle, for people who don't remember much about geometry. We do not guarantee that this image is real, or that the person whose skin is shown is actually receiving an injection at the time, or that there's a needle on the hidden end, or that the liquid in the syringe is a medication instead of water, or that any of the clear liquid is being injected. No cute animals were harmed in the making of this illustration, unless it turns out to be AI-generated, in which case there's a possibility that the computing power contributed planet-warming emissions equivalent, possibly causing a tiny increase in heat-related stress for all living beings").
    Thanks for the laugh! Schazjmd (talk) 20:55, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Aright, let's get this out of the abstract. Some notable failures of a variety of image types:
    • c:File:Battle_of_aine_jalut.png: I forget where the issue was first brought to my attention, but about the only thing this drawing has in common with the Battle of Ain Jalut is that we can confirm there were humans there. (Contacting the uploader/author gave me no response, which is typical for these types of images on Commons; without even info basic info like how it was drawn, or what source material was used to draw it, if the author is even the author as they claim, there's no way to check where another version would be to check against copyright.)
    • File Talk:Arabic_Dialects.svg: the discussion is extensive on every reason a map can fail, and why it was continued to be pushed despite knowing it was junk.
    • c:File_talk:Map_of_Archaic_Greece_(English).jpg is an example of a map that fortunately gives a verifiable source (kudos to the author), and thus the work and reasoning can be checked, but is factually inaccurate and misleading. It is still used on WP articles.
    • Turkish vocabulary pie chart (edit request): how could a pie chart be wrong, when it's just numbers, in print?
    Academics have been known to uncritically republish Commons images, even in print books. For images without provenance given anywhere, this critically increases the risk of wp:citogenesis. There was also an incident recently (within 2 years), (which I can't find, reported on VP iirc), where an academic book reprinted a (somewhat inaccurate and inadequately sourced) map from Commons with zero attribution. These are not trivial issues. Images are essential to quality articles, and readers take images seriously. SamuelRiv (talk) 22:53, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Self-published sources for statements that ascribe the information to the publisher


    In light of the dispute at Talk:Microsoft Windows#Request for comment on reliability of a self-published work as a source of info about themselves, I think it should be added to the policy, explicitly, that any self-published source can be used as a source of information for any statement that ascribe the information to the publisher, and that conditions 1-3 at Wikipedia:Reliable sources#Self-published and questionable sources as sources on themselves need not be met for the ascribed information. (e.g. "According to X, whatever is claimed on X's official website") This is essentially a special case of self-published sources of information about themselves, as it is about the views expressed by themselves, and nothing more. This will prevent confusion and similar disputes. Sovmeeya (talk) 19:15, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    I disagree with this proposal as it violates WP:WEIGHT and opens the door to pushing into articles any claim made by a company about its competitors. Schazjmd (talk) 19:28, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I don't think there's confusion with that. They should not be able to make claims about third parties, especially when those comments are obviously self serving. -- LCU ActivelyDisinterested «@» °∆t° 00:09, 16 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    100 2400:1A00:BB10:7BB:B8C4:DA99:DEB2:8650 (talk) 03:56, 16 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]